LongerCallButton makes the Phone app’s call button wider and easier to tap


If you ever enter phone numbers manually into the iPhone’s native Phone app when placing calls, then you might find that the green call button at the bottom of the app is more challenging to reach one-handed than it needs to be.

iOS developer iCraze identified the setback with this and has released a new jailbreak tweak dubbed LongerCallButton to address it.

As shown in the before and after screenshots above, LongerCallButton extends the width of the call button at the bottom of the Phone app, making it easier to reach with your thumb when operating your handset with just one hand.

The native Phone app layout isn’t necessarily a problem for everyone, but in a world where everyone’s hand size varies from the next and where iPhones are getting larger with time, it seems sensible to make certain things easier to use.

In addition to making the call button wider, the tweak moves the delete button away from the bottom of the app and above the “2” button instead to make room for the larger call button. For those who feel that this is more difficult to access with one hand, the developer includes an integrated swipe gesture that can remove inputted numbers.

If you’re interested in trying LongerCallButton for yourself, then you can download it for free from the Packix repository in Cydia or Sileo. The tweak supports all jailbroken iPhones running iOS 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12, and the developer has open-sourced the tweak on GitHub for those interested in learning what makes it tick.

Do you think that the new layout is better than the stock one? Discuss in the comments section below.

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