What Is Edge Computing?

Faster data processing is a luxury at times, and at others, it becomes a crucial thing. While making business decisions, a good and fast data connection is necessary, particularly when facing some crisis. Similarly, in financial services, the traders need to make real-time decisions based on events or market shifts, and if the data lags, it could cause them vast loss. Moreover, a fast data connection is extremely crucial in the healthcare department as well. We’ve come up with the answer to the question, “What is Edge Computing?”

These days bulk of data processing occurs all around the globe, and sensitive infrastructure is also required. It’s estimated that by the year 2025, an extra 463 exabytes worth of data will be created every day, that’s equal to 200 million DVDs a day.

With the advancement in technology, the number of devices is also increasing, so as the need for data. Cloud computing might not be capable of handling it. This is where the need for edge computing arises. This incredible technology promises faster processing at a much lower price. So, let us look at this form of computing and know everything needed about it.

What Is Edge Computing?

Computing can be performed on some device such as a calculator or through the internet. Most people usually do computing over the internet through their phones or PCs. The computing that occurs of the device over the internet generally happens through cloud computing-which is more known. Cloud computing is a kind of computing that takes place through a connected network of various servers in a data center. This network of connected servers is accessed by a device that is connected to the internet. The device used for this purpose doesn’t take part in the process of computing.

In edge computing, computing gets divided into devices instead of happening in one place. This one central place is known by the name “origin server” in cloud computing. The interesting fact about edge cloud computing is that it causes a system that resembles a cloud. The cloud-like system is created using “edge-servers,” also known by the name “minor-servers.” These services take the place of that single origin server. As far as the working is concerned, edge computing works almost the same as cloud computing, but the edge devices share the server’s task.

What’s the significance of edge computing?

The world is digitalizing, and more and more modern technologies are adding up every day. This raises the need for a form of computing that can match the pace of this modern world. Edge computing serves this purpose. It is more of a necessity for the modern world and is crucial for next-generation devices. The reason for this is the high-reliability factor and secure cloud computing of this type. Moreover, edge computing is more diverse and robust than cloud computing or other restricted devices.


The speed of light is one of the greatest drivers for edge computing. Suppose some Computer A needs to ask something from Computer B located around half a globe away. Before anything happens or it can do anything, the delay perceived by Computer A is called latency. This is the brief pause that occurs after you click a link before your browser actually shows you something. It’s in large linkage with the speed of light.

Similarly, when you use Voice Assistant, the time taken by the cloud to perceive your request is pretty noticeable. Your speech is to be processed by your Echo, then the compressed version of it is sent to the cloud. This is then uncompressed by the cloud and processed, which is a long process. It may include figuring out the weather, pinging some other API somewhere. After all, this is done, your Echo is answered, and you finally get to know the answer to your question. For example, you might know the temperature variation to dress up appropriately.

If you have heard the rumors saying that Amazon is trying to launch its own Alexa, you should not be surprised by it. With the increase in Amazon’s processing on your echo, the reliance on the cloud decreases. The simple meaning of this is you will get your reply in a short span of time with less expense too.

Privacy and security

If we look at the general scenario, it is usually seen that when it comes to new technologies dealing with one problem results in several other problems. Data at the edge can be problematic from the security perspective, particularly when it’s not centralized, just like cloud computing but is divided into different devices and handled by more than one device at a time.

With the increase in the number of IoT devices, it’s obvious that the potential security issues are considered, and the security of the systems is given priority. This is done by ensuring that data is properly encrypted and the utilization of correct access control methods and VPN tunneling occurs.

In addition to this, when the devices differ, the requirements vary too. Whether it be the requirement of processing power, electricity, or network connectivity, everything differs for different devices. This is done by ensuring that redundancy and failover management is done properly so that data processing and delivery occur correctly.

Challenges of edge computing

Despite coming with a lot of efficient features, edge computing has some drawbacks. These may concern you while deciding on the adoption of edge computing.

Limited capability

Both cloud computing and fog computing offer a wide range of working and come with numerous resources. But that’s not the case with edge computing. On edge computing, infrastructure deployment can be effective, but this requires a pre-determined purpose and scope. Even if we talk about extensive edge computing, a pre-defined purpose is needed. Moreover, it comes up with only a few resources and services.


This computing deals with the normal network limitations, but a minimum grade of connectivity is needed. It’s almost impossible to develop edge computing that can work efficiently in poor or distorted community. Autonomy and efficient failure planning are critical for the efficient working of edge computing.

Data lifecycles

The main problem with the latest computing is that it keeps unnecessary data, which is irritating and disturbing. For example, monitoring data stores all the patient data instead of dealing with the problem data only. The most important thing for a business is to be decisive on which data should be kept and which part can be discarded. The retaining of the user data is also necessary, which is not the case with edge computing.

Who Uses Edge Computing?

The use of edge computing is pretty limited right now. Only those companies use it with some solid reason for not working with cloud computing only.

Cellnex Telecom is a wireless telecommunications operator that works in most parts of Europe. It uses edge computing technology, which enables them to distribute data to different locations without sticking to a data center. The company is capable of covering a vast market and user base, thanks to edge computing.

AT&T has promised that cloud gaming will become faster and more accessible in the future because of edge computing. Games require more data than any of the other forms of media. So, it will help out with that. Connection requirements and latency could be reduced by processing some commands or distributing the graphics rendering.

Edge Computing is Epic!

This computing will flourish more in the future, and all its drawbacks will be overcome. It is a great form of computing that surpasses others in numerous ways. It would be best if you try this at least once in your lifetime.

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